Steve Van Hoff.
In my web site you will find a Meditation Room , devoted to my Guru,
Paramahansa Yogananda and my church the
Self-Realization Fellowship, which he had founded
in 1920 as the instrument for the worldwide dissemination of his teachings. I learned about SRF and started taking the lessons in November of 1994. Then the following year at convocation, I was initiated into Kriya Yoga and became a member. These lessons and Kriya Yoga have really turned my life around. Would you like to learn how to Meditate?
I want to give Special Thanks to my friend Jeff Clausen
for sharing his stories and pictures on this website.
Also in these pages you will find Steve's Studio. It's not much, but there you can download MIDI songs if that's what you like,
one in which I have made. I don't really like MIDI too much because it can sound good on one system and very bad on another, depending on the sound card. So maybe I'll try some streaming audio and video or mp3s.